Friday, December 19, 2008

Almost Christmas

It is snowing outside and very cold. Christmas is in less than a week and I can't wait to have two days away from work! Thanksgiving break was good. We were able to go with Eric's cousins for Thanksgiving Day and then I shopped til I dropped on Black Friday with my sisters. Friday night Eric and I went to a Jazz basketball game with his family and that was really fun. Eric and I have not been to a Jazz game for a long time. We put up our Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend and it looks great. I'm a big fan of fake Christmas trees. Nothing else too exciting has happened. I have some pictures from my niece's baby blessing and from Eric's family Christmas Party but I haven't had a chance to load them onto the computer. So maybe over the break I'll get a chance.

I decided I'd blog about some Christmas traditions that I've started because I have time and I've enjoyed reading other peoples traditions. Every year I insist on breaking out my old "Christmas with the Chipmunks" tape cassette! I remember getting it when I was young and I would listen to it all the way through. It was one of my favorites. Well my mom found it and gave it to me a few years ago and I was so excited she found it! Could you believe she was going to throw it away? :) The first Christmas after we were married I told Eric I needed a CD player with a cassette deck in it so I could put in the Chipmunks. (Did I mention he isn't the biggest fan of the Chipmunks?) He came through for me! I drag out our blue CD/cassette tape player every Christmas season to make sure the Chipmunks get some air time! Eric can't stand to listen to it so I try hard to only put it in when he isn't home. It brings back memories.

Another tradition that Eric and I have started is to play Christmas movies while we put up our tree and decorate. We usually watch A Christmas Story and The Muppet Christmas Carol. I really enjoy the Muppet Christmas Carol. I like to sing to the songs, the Muppets are cute, and I love the story. Another movie I try to watch is Elf because it makes me laugh.

And last but not least, Eric and I have tried to collect some fun ornaments since we've been married. We now have Batman, Belle, Jack Skellington (from "The Nightmare Before Christmas") tree ornaments to name a few. And every year I put up this sled that I made out of tongue depressors (aka big pop sickle sticks) in second grade. Complete with glitter. It is beautiful and I had a lot of skill for a second grader. I might have to take a picture and include in this blog so you can appreciate how hard I worked. My mom was going to throw that away too. So I rescued it and now it gets to hang on our tree. :) Eric is so lucky.

Well that is all I can think of for now. Eric is finally done with school for the semester and he only has one more until he is done with his Bachelors degree in Accounting! He can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. So for now he is working a lot over the crazy, busy, Holiday season. I am looking forward to spending Christmas day with him since that's about all we'll have together. Well I hope everyone has a Very Merry Christmas!


Mudrow Memories said...

Kassi, Eric is very lucky to have you! I remember your Christmas music from college. I didn't realize that Eric and Mitch will both be graduating with their degrees at the same time! I totally understand the joy you both must feel with that school stuff coming to an end . . . finally!

Rappleye Family said...

I love the Chipmunks! I may need to borrow that! Cya monday

Casie said...

Chipmunks rule!

Maren and Ryan Meldrum said...

ERIC! I saw you today in DB, but you had lots of people to check I didn't say hi...I'm sorry...a bit. Anywho, Merry Christmas to you guys!

Jared and Tiffany said...

i really want to see the picture of the popsicle stick sled. i always knew you were really talented, but that sounds super amazing.

felicialee said...

I love the chipmunks too!!! That's one of my favorite cds for the holidays. And congrats to Eric, that is so exciting. What's the plan when he graduates? Have a very Merry Christams!!

Natalie said...

I love the Muppet Christmas Carol, Keith doesn't appreciate it as much as me. We hope you have a Merry Christmas!!