Saturday, April 19, 2008

The weekend (a story with pictures)

To start out the story of our week, Kassi lucked out and got an early (very early) anniversary present. I bought her an ipod because it was on a great sale, but the return period was pretty short so i gave it to her early in case she didn't like it. Sometimes I can't figure out what she wants, so I figured it was better safe than sorry for this one. Then I finished with class on Thursday and if it weren't for the looming finals of destruction we'd be ecstatic.

On Friday night we went to a dinner for some honor society and I got to hang out with my two favorite ladies. Friday was great.

Then on Saturday instead of studying we have family birthday parties this weekend. So we're off to Delta, on Saturday for Ben's big 19, and then to Scipio for Jacee's number 9. So today after spending time with my fam, we are all caught up (which included Becca sharing the above gold nugget of entertainment, which I'm not tech-savvy or patient enough to put in this post), we are just hanging out and enjoying focusing on everything but finals.


Rappleye Family said...

Sweet! I want an ipod too!

Sarah Pittard said...

NICE ERIC!!! Where didja graduate from??? & what is your degree in??? HOW ARE YOU TWO DOING??? Stacy found ur blogspot addy & sent it my way :)